Sunday, November 11, 2007

You have a website, but do you have a plan?

How many times have you come across a site when searching for something on google, yahoo or live only to find it irrelevant to your search? What is your reaction... do you click back to your search results never to return? When you search for those keywords again, and see that you have been there before, did you click on that site again? If you haven't found the information relevant, the answer is probably not!

When implementing an online marketing strategy you need a plan, and a plan for success. You need to get your site ready to receive traffic, BEFORE you start driving traffic to it. Otherwise all of your time and effort spent climbing the SEO ladder will be wasted. You need relevant and compelling content, and a way of capturing your visitors details and engaging with them. You need to prove to them that you are the expert, that you have the answers that they are searching for, otherwise, you will just be associated with irrlevance.

contact us for more information about your personalised Integrated Website Success Plan, tailored to the needs of your business.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Your Targeted Marketing Communication Plan (TMCP)

What is a Targeted Marketing Communications Plan (TMCP)? This is a term we use for the online marketing strategies we put together for our clients.

In any of our attempts to communcate with a market or segment, we need to be targeted about it. Not every communication we make is going to appeal to everyone, everytime. That's why we plan it; we plan who, when, where, why, how, analysing market segments and working out specific, measurable strategies to reach each one.
This is so important in the current advertising environment where all of us are constantly bombarded by marketing and advertising message, demanding our attention, shouting at us from radios, blaring at us on tv screens, distracting us on highways, filling up our mailboxes.
Our philosophy follows the concept of permission marketing, that there is always a certain segment of the market, ready, willing, searching for your product or service. The aim is to be found by this group, not necessarily to find them and yell at them as often and as much as possible. Our philosophy is to idenitify target audiences, and then gear all marketing strategies from then on into appealing to them, being found by them, and addressing their needs.
Interested? Find out more at

Websites are no longer relevant... or are they?

Today was a great day at the office, watching the Melbourne Cup with a whole group of people who have had a few drinks is fun! On the way out I had an interesting conversation with another worker in the building who is employed by a private banking and investment firm, about the relevance of web sites. We did the usual intro chat and one of his final comments, when discovering that I do web design and internet marketing, the comment was something like "that was really big in the past, but they're not that important now". The idea being that the business world has moved on, it was just a fad.
Of course, I would have to disagree, and I did. I suggested that web sites are just a starting point - a part of corporate image. Having a professional website designed for you is a representation to the corporate world of your company. Prospects may very well google you before they call you.
The point - an information site about your company is just the beginning of a journey out into a whole ocean of marketing communication. Getting all the cool widgets and tools is a later necessity, but first, everyone needs a web presence. Thats entry level stuff.